We have had many wonderful workshops and gatherings here at Langdon since we launched in 2021. Here are just a few of the things our visitors and trainers have said.
Sketching in the Garden
"An absolute delight to be able to utilise the beautiful gardens, and a breeze to book."
Shaun Wakelen – Hired garden for a sketching event
Workshop leader
"Not only does the garden and Granary at Langdon provide a beautiful, tranquil and ever fascinating space through the seasons. Sally's attention to detail in making the venue welcoming and comfortable is second to none. Thoughtful signage, willingness and approachability with information on the development and history of the place. The Granary space is clean, bright, comfortable and provides a rustic feeling indoor/outdoor space.
It was a delight to work with Sally to plan my workshop at Langdon Garden. She really listened to what I wanted to achieve and offered helpful suggestions for how the garden and Granary could work for this. It felt like a collaboration and made the event an even richer experience for participants."
Louise Allen, Fern Counselling:
'Exploring meaning through life's transitions' workshop leader
Weeds & Wildflowers workshop
"Fantastic – a wonderful learning experience in beautiful surroundings."
Sinead Wilson – Weeds and Wildflowers participant
Propagation Workshop
Broke down the fear barrier!
Sally – participant on Propagation Basics workshop
Growing Food for People and Planet Workshop
Just no words! OK then – stunning, peaceful, gorgeous.
Katie – Growing Food for People and Planet workshop
Composting Workshop
The content was exactly what I was hoping for — straightforward, useful tools and ideas we can all put into practice immediately.
Composting workshop participant - Killara